Wednesday, March 30, 2016

8 Things That Happen When We Pray

Prayer is what I do when I am scared.  Prayer is what I do when I a happy.  It is what I do when I am bored.  I talk to God.  He is my innermost best friend.  I speak to him all day.  Everyday.  I talk to God whenever I am lonely.  I speak to him when I need guidance.  I also talk to God when I am thankful for all his miracles in my life.  I recommend that you just open your heart to Jesus and allow him to do his work within you.  He will change your life.

Here's a quick article that helps us understand what happens when we pray.  I want to guide you to other resources that can help you understand God.  I linked the original article which inspired me.  I do think they left out the end part.  That is where God allows his plan to fall in place.  It's not always what we want or expect but what he wants for us.  I think God's plan is always exactly what he accepts as good for us.  He guides us within a realm of what we should be doing and accepting as what he wants for us.  When we don't get what we want it should be a signal that he does not want that for us.

Sometimes God's answer for us is not what we want at all.  Sometimes we don't get the answers we want because we are not walking in alignment with him.  He wants us to be better aligned with him but if we are in wrong thinking and we are not working according to his plan, he will correct us or help us correct our path.  It is not always the happy answer we want.

Let me give you an example.  One time I was dating this guy Mike.  He was for sure the guy of my dreams.   Over a period of a years time, he and I broke up.  I was so mad at God for making us break up, I was so mad that I could not have him.  But it turns out that he was a cheater, he even went and married the girl he cheated on me with and he brought her to my church which hurt me terribly.

2 years later, not too long after, I met the real man of my dreams.  A very good man, who later would become my husband, Clint, a good Christian man who was everything I could want and more.  So you see, sometimes what we want is not always what is good for us.  And God knew that.  He knew that Clint would be a much better fit for me.  He knew that Clint would take care of me, hold me as precious and never cheat on me.  He knew that Clint would be a good provider and a good father to my children.  Clint is a patient and wonderful man who is brilliant, he plays piano and writes love songs for me, he buys me roses constantly that I don't deserve, he bought me a beautiful house, a nice car, and he loves me so much despite all my downfalls.  He even forgave me at a time where I was being foolish.  I am so glad that God chose Clint for me over Mike.  I was a fool to think Mike, the cheater, was the right one.  But I did not know that at the time.  So when God gives me a different answer than the one I want, I know I must be patient and trust him.

God often has other plans for us that might be much better than what we want.  So we do not always get the answers we want to our prayers.  But know this.  He is working in your favor always.  If you are working to align yourself with his right path, he wants to give you all the good things you deserve. When you are praying to him, despite not getting the answer you want, he has already designed the perfect plan for you.  He knows everything about you and what is right for you.  He gives us the right answer, the right gift or whatever it is that leads us to the right action regardless of what we think, his plan is perfect.  We have to try to understand that his plan may not be our plan.  His path is one of perfection and ours is broken.  We have to try to see the clues that he gives us to follow his perfect path and open our eyes to see the spiritual gifts he gives us that guide us in the right direction to his perfection.

Remember this, despite what happens here on earth, his reward for you is great in heaven.  His reward for your suffering here is to give you eternal life with him and his son and his spirit.  And the keys to his Kingdom.  His Kingdom is everlasting and can you imagine what he has for you in Heaven?  I hear just being in his presence is all you will ever want once you are there.

So what happens when we pray?

1.  God Hears Your Prayers To Him

2.  All Other Things Are Temporarily Shut Out While We Focus On Him

3.  You Become Closer To The Holy Trinity, God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit

4.  You Help Others By Praying For Them

5.  Your Burdens Are Placed At His Feet

6.  You Commune With All Others In Prayer

7.  You Are Worshiping The Holy Trinity Which Is God in All His Forms

8.  God Gives Us Help According To His Plan For Us

The article which inspired me is here:

7 Things That Happen When We Pray.

Sending love and prayer your way,


Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Feelings About Myself and My Relationship With God (God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit)

I created this blog so I could share my views on Christianity which is not just a religion for me.  It is a way of life, God/Jesus/Holy Spirit are my Father, Savior, Best Friend, My family.  I know it is something that other religions may dispute but since finding my Savior, so many things have changed for me.  There are no doubts he loves me and he is here for me.  I have given him my true self.  I have talked with him in length and deeply about repenting for my sin, about the things I would give my life for, about how I love him, about why I feel the way I do sometimes and about what I am hopeful for.

I am certainly a sinner, definitely tempted by all the things of this world; money, cars, a beautiful house, money making businesses, fancy furnishings, fine foods, music, art, sexuality, love and all the other things of the world that are idols.  I have to remember that even my love for fine furnishings or my wish to have my husband desire me are things that take me away from God.  

I am daily speaking to God about these things.  I struggle with addiction to the internet, video games, sexual desires, wanting to be beautiful, wishing for more money to have "the good life".  We are all struggle with our earthly desires.  I know I am often hopeful with having leftover money at the end of the month so I can go blow it on myself, my husband and my kids.  I am always thrilled when we can eat out several times a month at nice restaurants.  I even feel guilty about it that we are able to so often which is truly a gift from God because we certainly don't deserve it.  

God is helping me step by step realize how much he is there, he gives me proof again and again.  He is so merciful and gives me his love and grace despite my deserving of it.  I do not deserve him, he is so pure and good and my mind as I have gotten older is easily tempted.  He has done so many good deeds for me.  I can't even begin to repay his kindness.  Time and time again he blesses me with much favor, much more than I know I deserve.  God is sooooo generous to me.  I know his gifts are way more than I should have because I have not done much right to deserve them.  But that is the way of a loving and merciful God.  He wants us to love him so much and he wants to provide in a way we cannot imagine.  He is building a city for us.  A huge city that is so beautiful that everyone will have their own place, where we can all look upon his beauty and light.  I just can't wait but I need to be here on earth for now.  I have not completed my mission here yet.

My family are not where I wish they would be in terms of their spirituality.  Nor am I at times.  I want so much to be that God minded person and get to a place where I have surpassed human desires and only desire God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  My children play video games, we play video games, yes I kill zombies in video games, i spoil my kids, we eat and drink gluttonously, our shopping cart overfloweth, we don't tithe like we should, we are so spoiled.  If I wasn't more inspired lately, we may not even make it to church on Sundays.  Even at church, I find temptation.  I wish I could sing better so I sounded better,  I don't want to look ugly there, I want to look pretty there.  I want to look like I am not poor.  How selfish I have become.  I am embarrassed to drive my van there because it is not as nice as my husband's new car.  I wish my husband did not fall over at church because he has health problems.  I mean what kind of person wishes for those things.  You see I am a sinner.  

The problem is that we are all sinners.  I am making a case for God, that he loves me no matter what.  He understands that all humans are sinners.  We are born into sin due to Adam and Eve original sin where they fall from grace and none of us are perfect because we are born with their sin on us.  He has given us a chance to clean ourselves of this sin through his son, Jesus who gave his life for us so that we may be with him in Heaven.

I am making a case for God that he has sent his son here, he allowed his perfect son, Jesus, to die for me, so that his sinless blood may wash away my sin so that I may go up to become our savior and gives me the gift of everlasting life so that I may be with him when I die.  His holy spirit fills me despite my shortcomings.  It is helping me become closer to him.  The more I get to know God, the more amazing my life has become.  

In fact, surprisingly, God has blessed me and my husband with so much more than we deserve.  He has continually shown me he exists in ways I can only hope you will see are definite signs.  

I have gotten to the place in my life where I just have absolutely learned to trust Jesus. Intrinsically, I simply lay it all at his feet and he takes on most of my anguish and pain, he carries me when my burdens are great.  He knows what I need, I have to show him my obedience to him in trusting that his plan is absolutely the best for me.

Most recently a couple of months ago in January 2016, when I wanted to go to college and I did not know if I would be able to due to finances and family setup with my 2 year old grandchild who recently became in my custody, within 2 days my FAFSA financial aid was approved and I suddenly was accepted at a Christian University right near my home within another 2 days and it just so happens it is a very highly respected University.  Within days, I was starting my first class and I was immediately introduced to The Makings of A Christian Mind, my first class.  This class is calling for me to be a Christian Leader.  Yes, to lead others to Christ.  I never thought of doing that before although a few people I know have come to Christ by my guidance, I never thought of proclaiming his glory to the world.  But now I think I am going to do just that very thing.  I will proclaim his glory to everyone that I can because I don't want them to end up in hell.

It was like a whirlwind that God set me up like that.  It is mind boggling and I have so far been getting great grades.  What?  Yes.  He set me up in the place I needed to be, with financial support, I even got a huge check from my financial aid to help me with books and living expenses.  What?  I feel like he knew my mind and quickly gave me exactly what I needed to further my education to help other Christians.  How could this possibly happen so fast?  I just put it all at Jesus's feet.  He helps us with things that are in the realm of what he wants for us, though he does have a path he likes us to follow ultimately and that path is trusting in him.

If you are still reading, I am really excited.  I am doing something right.  The most important thing I could tell you is that in my experience, God has proven to me time and time again that he is real.  He has filled me with grace so much that I almost wanted to explode or pass out even.  I felt so amped up on his love the other day he must have been near because I have never ever felt so high on his love.  I almost exploded with Joy.  I don't even know how that came upon me but I can only imagine that my relationship with him is getting so intense he had to be somewhere near or something because I felt as if I would burst with Joy for no apparent reason.  

To feel that way is just strange because I often suffer from mild depression.  I have suffered in a dark place since I was 16.  I used to get treatment for it but after years of therapy for my Mother's death and my Father's mistreatment, I seem to be pretty even in my mood most of the time.  I do suffer occasionally from anxiety and I panic a bit due to the darkness.  My father beat me real good one time while I was sleeping and another in the shower at my own apartment which he had a key to, he came in and beat me until my lip burst open and blood sprayed all over the shower.  So I always lock the bathroom door, and often though it is decades later I still need a nightlight or tv on at night.  I freak out at every creak the house makes.  So to feel so elated it must have been his spirit upon me.

I did not want to bring up the darkness of my past.  My mother died of colon and liver cancer when I was 11 leaving myself and 4 more male siblings alone. My childhood was tough and I suffered some abuse at the hands of my Father.  My stepmother did not want us, I know it because I heard her say so.  Eventually, my brothers and I were split up.  It was very hard but I still would call it a happy childhood despite the losses and pain.

Where did the sudden burst of light and grace upon me come from.  Why did I feel so excited and happy at that moment?  It was something I am not sure I ever felt before.  A level of elation and glory I never had before.  I cannot describe how amazing I felt; as if my heart was filled with glowing light, as if I would lift off the floor like a rocket ship.  I know where it came from.  I have no doubt.  He had to be near or something.  Perhaps it was the Holy Spirit.  I was filled to a point of pouring out excitement so that I had to proclaim his glory online.  I had also found this picture just moments before and my excitement grew at the thought of being with him.  I admit that has been happening a lot lately.  He has been seriously affecting me, using me and I like it.  I don't mind at all.  

This was my facebook post at the moment I felt that grace upon me:

"I am so excited for Easter! Can you imagine what it would be like to be in heaven with Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit. To spend the rest of eternity in complete bliss, in his light, by his side, basking in complete happiness. I suddenly was hit by it. The sheer joy of it. I don't know what has happened to me, I am overcome with excitement. I know it's weird but I don't care. I just want everyone to know how fortunate they are to have this opportunity to find him and to be saved by him. I'm not a perfect person by any means. But with him, I am cleansed by his blood and made worthy to come and be with God in his triune for all eternity. It sounds crazy but try giving him a chance to come into your life and see what happens. Accept him as your savior and watch the things he does for you. I have never until now really understood fully but I am really opening up to knowing him and it's amazing. I don't care if I die. I am excited to be with him. Yet I know I am here for a reason and it is not yet my time as somehow my cancer is cured. It is to tell you all the miracles he has done in my life. I am overwhelmed by his mercy and grace because I am a terrible sinner. He has transformed me. I am so at peace. I am not worried. I know he has plans for me. I am not sure what to do or where I will go but whatever I do I will proclaim his glory! My heart should explode with the feeling of joy I have for him. I hope you all come and celebrate with me this Sunday at Calvary Chapel in Virginia Beach."

Looking back at that I feel amazed that I even posted that on my Facebook.  At first when I left Facebook I felt like I must be insane to post that because I am not a holy roller or any kind of person who would normally post that.  I am usually very quiet about my religion.  Suddenly I was filled with something so amazing, all kinds of thoughts about God came blurting out but I am not sure where it came from, I can only say I was filled with the Holy Spirit and I knew it was the Holy Spirit.  I was not confused about that.  But why it happened at that moment, I am not sure.  I also noted that I was lifted of all anxiety at that moment.  I was so thankful for him removing the cancer from my head which was probably something else I was feeling grateful for.  

I just want to share what I know with you and I feel happy if you have any reply, any discussion about what you believe.  I want people to be free to share openly here, to be themselves and to be able to share what they know about God.

Please find it in your heart to seek him.  Trust me he will fill you with his mercy and he will enlighten you as well.  He will give you the key to his kingdom should you only trust him and accept his son.  He is the Lord, our God and Creator.  He is the Alpha and Omega and the great I AM.  

If you are not saved I implore you to please get yourself saved.  God can lift you from anything.  He doesn't have any prerequisites, he just wants you to accept his Son as your savior.  I will go into details on that later.

Ask yourself, "Where are you going to spend your eternity?"

If you want to be saved, go to this page.  What do you have to lose?

Find my page on How to get Saved Here...

Amazing Grace by Kimberly Stevens

Amazing Grace is a beautiful hymn and very old, it was my mother's favorite song and she would sing it often during her short life.  It is a song that reminds me of her beauty and grace and how she was a spirit in training via prayer worship.  She could speak in tongues, blessed with a gift I only can wish for.

In reference to this song speaking of biblical truth, I believe Amazing Grace has the understanding that Jesus has saved the author, a wretch who feels lost and blind and liberated him from a life of salvation.  He went through many toils and tears meaning he has been through the worst scenarios he can think of but was able to find his way home by the Grace of God.

In the verse "I was blind but now I see.." shows his receipt of the gift of discernment.  I do not see where theological profundity is shown in this song but the idea of being saved is present in the authors being lost and then found.  Becoming saved and bright shining as the sun shows his feeling about his new salvation and he has discerned that Jesus or God does exist which could support some theological arguments.

I do feel the song has a sense of strongly melodic prose and it's rhyming words guide the viewer to want to also find salvation for themselves.  Of course, Amazing Grace is well known for being one of the most beautiful songs ever sung in the church so there is no doubting it's beauty.  Not only is it beautiful but it is a simple testimony of a man to the beauty of Jesus's power of salvation.

Here is an article about 8 things AMAZING GRACE can do for you.  Click the image to go to the article.

You Make Me Brave - By Bethel

I'm sharing this beautiful modern music by this youth band.  Thank you God for allowing the youth of our world to bring us inspirational music about you!  

Sometimes just reflecting on music about him can help us to feel better!  I know it helps me connect with the creator in his triune or trinity.  His holy spirit is within me and it helps me find him anytime I am feeling sad, weak or discouraged.  Those things pass quickly and we are encouraged and enlightened.

God does make us feel brave.  He can take away all the fears we have about this world and helps us secure our eternity in his love and light.  When we accept Jesus as our savior, we have nothing to worry about anymore.  The battle is won, there is no more worry that you will live your life in misery.  He will lift you up. He will make you brave!  Trust him to help you out in your hour of need.  He will wash away your sin and make you white as snow.  He gives us a new start every single day he washes us with his holy blood.  His blood is pure and sinless and when you accept him he washes you clean with his sinless blood making you worthy to go to heaven to be with him for all eternity!  He is always with us and his holy spirit will be in us and he will be holding us up as we move forward in life, we will never be alone.  He will give us strength and keep us in his mercy and grace.  

What Exactly Is Grace?

Ephesians 2:8King James Version (KJV)

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
By our faith, we have access to God's grace.  What is God's grace?

Well lets check this invaluable resource wikipedia:

Grace in Christianity is the free and unmerited favour of God as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowing of blessings.[3] Common Christian teaching is that grace is unmerited mercy (favor) that God gave to humanity by sending his son to die on a cross, thus delivering eternal salvation. Bill Gothard, an American conservative Christian, has suggested "God's grace gives us the desire and the power to do his will."[4]

I could not have said it better myself.  Here is the link to wikipedia to read it for yourself.
See it at Wikipedia...

38 Things That Happen When We Get SAVED by Dr. Bob Ream

I just wanted to share this incredible list of things that happen when we get saved.  It's certainly a good starting place that helps us understand the primary gifts that God gives us through his son's blood.

If you want to be saved it is really easy.  So easy you won't believe it!  You don't have to do much to make that one change that will put you into his family for all eternity.  Get Saved Now!

But don't be fooled!  God's gifts go way beyond this list.  His gifts are limitless. He is infinitely loving and giving.  His creation is endless and he is infinitely wise and brilliant.  There will be no end to what he can do.  There is no end to his love, mercy and grace in your life.  He will change you for the better forever!

Here is a good starting list of things that happen once we are saved!  I really enjoyed reading this list and I am sure you will find it interesting as well.

Click this link to read the list!  Then come back to read more about Attitudes About God.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Testimony Time with Christine Eastell

Here is a fun testimony with both experiences of heaven and of hell.  Just going to church is not enough.  You must be born again which means you must find salvation through Christ by accepting him as our savior.

Testimony from Mickey Robinson Near Death Experience

 Amazing testimony from a guy who likes to skydive.  I love to explore the near death experience.  It is amazing to hear that so many people have had experience with God and Jesus, it confirms that belief in the afterlife and in God is not as foolish as some think.  This one takes a while so grab some popcorn and a soda pop and get comfy.

Music, " I Saw God Today" By Keelan

I Saw God Today by Keelan

Does God Exist?—Many Absolute Proofs! (Part 2)

Wow this is an amazing testimony of how complex even the most simple cell is. It is hard to deny there is a creator. Watch this and tell me what you think! This video is from the series in case you want to know more know. You just can't argue with this series unless of course you are just being foolish. This is such an amazing proof that these complexities cannot come from chaos.

Is Capitalism Aligned With The Bible by Kimberly A Stevens

Is Capitalism Aligned With The Bible by Kimberly A. Stevens Christians have varied beliefs as to which economic system is more aligned with Biblical studies. Some Christian people believe it is better to live in a society where we are free to do what we want with our hard earned money. Others believe that centralized control of our resources is the way to rule. Which economic status supports the biblical worldview? "Upon a moment's reflection, it should be very obvious that understanding worldview is immensely important to our personal, family, and community life. It also is of crucial significance to Christian life and faith and our service unto God as His people. We can also unequivocally say that all Christians need to have a deep Christian bible based worldview (Weestra 1:1)." Let's take a look at the two sides of Capitalism in the Biblical Worldview. Isaiah 65:21-22 says, "21 They shall build houses and inhabit them; they shall plant vineyards and eat their fruit. 22 They shall not build and another inhabit; they shall not plant and another eat; for like the days of a tree shall the days of my people be, and my chosen shall long enjoy[a] the work of their hands (Bible Gateway 1).", which seems to encourage the Christian to build a home, work and be plentiful. "Ronald Nash outlines the distinctions between free market capitalism and socialism: “One dominant feature of capitalism is economic freedom, the right of people to exchange things voluntarily, free from force, fraud, and theft. Capitalism is more than this, of course, but its concern with a free exchange is obvious. Socialism, on the other hand, seeks to replace the freedom of the market with a group of central planners who exercise control over essential market functions (Christian Economics 1)”. The bible often tells us that when people who work hard, they deserve their pay and that they are rewarded well while lazy men are not. Also, It says Privately held property encourages a good work ethic and fruitfulness. The encouragement to Christians to be capitalists is quite widespread in the bible. It is thought that Christian business owners bring wealth and jobs to a community and create healthy competition. This side of the concept maintains that God wants us to work and to use wisdom in ownership of property and of all his creation. We are also held accountable to God for how we use the property that he allows us to own, and we are should exercise wisdom in our stewardship not only of property but also of God’s creation (Psalm 24:1). Capitalism also gives us the ability to help the poor and to contribute to Christian Charities, Christian Organizations and to be able to tithe to the Church. "Christian economic ethics affirm that the material well-being resulting from human creativity, investment, and work should be celebrated, not shunned (Edd 1)." Ron Nash additionally states, “One dominant feature of capitalism is economic freedom, the right of people to exchange things voluntarily, free from force, fraud, and theft. Capitalism is more than this, of course, but its concern with a free exchange is obvious. Socialism, on the other hand, seeks to replace the freedom of the market with a group of central planners who exercise control over essential market functions (Christian Economics).” Now, on the other hand, we have some believers who think the bible leads us to be more socialist or Marxist and maintains that socialism or communism is a more useful form of economics. They believe that this system is a more fair way to share resources by centralized command or control. Then there are those who say, "The thousands of years of experiments with socialist economic systems have resulted in nothing but failure and tragedy—Fascism, Nazism, and Communism relied on the faulty ideas of socialism and Darwinian evolution. Their catastrophic failings are documented in Igor Shafarevich’s The Socialist Phenomenon,8 Ludwig Von Mises’ Socialism,9 and Joshua Muravchik’s Heaven On Earth: The Rise And Fall Of Socialism.10"(Christian Economics 1). Is it a personal choice? Which is correct? The bible is pretty clear about the fact that God believes we should have private property and that he desires us to live by his rule. He tells us that under this system our freedoms and rights come from him. No one can take those away from you. He clearly states he who does will answer to the law. Socialism encourages a zeal for power that can hurt mankind. It concentrates abundance and influence for only a few while the rest of mankind only gets a tiny portion. "This view represents a significant failure in hermeneutics. This is a failure in thinking because the examples presented in the New Testament (Acts) are characterized by the individual and volitional decision to share private property. This is an example of the church being at the center of the action (The Judeo-Christian World View and Economics 1)". Seizing of property for redistribution is a government established corrective action which shows the failing of the Old Testament to show God's desire, compassion, and mercy to the poor people if you analyze the facts. "We know that socialism is a lie because of the promises it makes and the results it delivers. Socialism neither reflects the reality of life nor the condition of man. Socialism (and the related systems of communism, fascism, interventionism, etc.) is predicated on the abrogation of the final three commandments: thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not lie, and thou shalt not covet. The breaking of these three commandments may bring short term benefits but exacts long term costs. Conversely, following any and all commandments brings short term costs but long term benefits(The Judeo-Christian Worldview and Economics 1)". "The only way we can build biblical foundations for faith and life is by hearing and doing the Word of God, as taught by Jesus, as revealed in the Gospel, and as given to us in the Scriptures, i.e., especially in the Old Testament Scriptures. The obedience of faith is the key dynamic whereby we build those foundations, which is the same thing as saying that by means of God’s Word and Spirit we develop a firm biblical worldview (Weestra 2:1). " We must consider whether socialism or capitalism fits the biblical worldview the best so that we can serve God accordingly. Summary Socialism is predicated upon atheism, therefore, it calls for no church, only the state. Further, socialism calls not for free will action but the obligatory force to exact its desires. Socialism is a creation of man, for man, to determine which man receives benefits from man. There is no provision for God in a socialist state whereas the bible is pretty clear that God believes in privately owned property and he commands that we enjoy this freedom. These rights and freedoms under Capitalism come from God and cannot be taken away or they will ultimately answer to God for this crime. Works Cited "Bible Gateway Passage: Isaiah 65:21-22 - New International Version." Bible Gateway. Web. 16 Mar. 2016. . Edd, Noel. "Capitalism and Christian Ethics." Hillsdale College. Web. 16 Mar. 2016. . "Christian Economics." 2016. Web. 16 Mar. 2016. . "The Judeo-Christian Worldview and Economics - Centennial Institute." Centennial Institute. 2014. Web. 16 Mar. 2016. . Weerstra, Hans M. "Christian Worldview Development Part 1." Regent University Blackboard. International Journal of Frontier Missions, Mar. 1997. Web. Weerstra, Hans M. "Christian Worldview Development Part 2." Regent University Blackboard. International Journal of Frontier Missions, Mar. 1997. Web.

Video "Does God Exist? Many Absolute Proofs... (part 1)

Does this video give us proof that God exists? I find it interesting and has many interesting questions for us to ask ourselves. Does Science say we are a random development? This is part one of a series. I got this video from in case you want to research more.

Looking Beyond The Basic Worldview by Kimberly A. Stevens

Looking Beyond The Basic Worldview

Almost daily we think about the world around us, yet, do we ever consider what we take for granted in our lives?  Everything we can think of that is our basic existence such as our emotional state, our ethical feeling, and our spiritual beliefs build our worldview.  Each of us has our own personal worldview that is made up of our own interpretations.  Additionally, there is another kind of worldview that goes far beyond our personal worldview, the biblical worldview which is the same type of grid of beliefs but is intertwined with a basis of belief in God and the Holy Bible which is God's word.  The biblical worldview is an entirely Christ-centered and biblically based view of reality.  If one simply looks only at the worldview, they miss the whole meaning of all that there is to live for. 

Our basic worldview consists of everything around us that we assume, on an unconscious level, that the earth is beneath our feet, that there is air to breathe, that we are part of a family, that we have friends, that we treat people in certain ways, that we feel specific ways about certain events.  It is our reality which we live in and expect to exist.  It is our story and all the logical beliefs we hold.  It does not change much and generally determines how we feel, what we know to be true, what we want and what our passion is.  We don't really think about our worldview, we just automatically assume this complete perspective of reality exists.  Our life consists of a structure of beliefs and philosophies that we surround ourselves with that make us feel safe.  Our worldview is really there on an unconscious level but if we didn't have this view, our world would crumble beneath us.  This version of the worldview is subjective and is based on the prime reality, or what is really absolute.

Whereas we have the biblical worldview, everything starts with the belief in God and the perspective of the bible.  This version of the worldview is based on a God who is love, who planned to redeem himself to give us what he wanted for us despite the fact that many of us reject him.  He reveals himself as the son of God, Jesus Christ, the savior of humankind who came to earth to be with God in Heaven.  Jesus repairs the bridge that was damaged when Adam sinned and caused each human to be born into sin.  Jesus makes us white as snow and worthy to be in the presence of God.  The bible being the revelation of God tells us everything we must know in order to understand and believe in God.  It also tells us exactly how to be connected directly to Jesus Christ which is God in the flesh which ultimately will give us eternal life with God.  The bible tells us "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.  For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation"(Romans 10:9-10 KJV).  God has made his heart known clearly to us by way of the Holy Spirit who gave the scripture to the holy people and no prophecy was ever produced by a man as he guided his Holy Spirit to bring his words to them.  The bible tells us "We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts: Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost"(2 Peter 1:19-21 KJV).  Not all Christians think about the biblical worldview the same.

To understand the biblical worldview we must first understand that God is perfect and we are not, God is the eternal, omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient being that created all things and all things are dependent on him.  He created Humanity to glorify him and to be with him forever.  This glory is our "salvation".  All that is exists under his control and though he created the world to be good, even creating us in his image, this image was harmed when Satan tempted Adam and Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge, in defiance of God's word.  Thus, we are marked with this sin.  There is no natural way to fix this and the only hope we have is that he give us his son in whom to believe in and the grace to live by a moral code that reflect's God's revelation to us.  We should be baptized and then accept his son as our savior who will bring us to him (washing away this sin that damages us with his blood which removes this sin).  During our life, we can follow the scripture to find his eternal truths and learn to be in alignment with God's holiness which is why he wants us to follow his son Jesus and be like his son.  The Holy Spirit guides us to do all these things so that we may be in union with the Godhead in all perfection. 

The worldview, though logical, gives us a primitive feeling of safety and sureness, on the other hand, it is missing something much deeper and more amazing, someone that will give us life eternal, the complete story of all that is and all that can be our reality; the story of God, the father, the creator or all and how he wishes to love us.  The simple worldview is missing the real picture, the basis of all that is and can be; the simple worldview is without the beginning and the end and only tells the tale of what we perceive in a basic understanding without God.  If you look at the biblical worldview, it seems to be a much more complete view of things.  Can you think of anything greater than opening your eyes to a biblical worldview which reveals the way, the truth, and the life?  The biblical worldview is a much more complete worldview.  Its entirety lies in the perfection of God in whom the basis of all things exists.

Works Cited

Romans. King James Version. Bible Gateway, n.d. Web.

 2 Peter. King James Version. Bible Gateway, n.d. Web.

What are your belief systems. Mine is about Christianity.

I never thought I would get so many views in the first hour of posting this blog.  I am so excited to commune with all of you about belief systems.  I will be honest.  I am a Christian.  I post this site in the hopes of sharing my view as well as listening to yours.  I am not a holy roller.  I am however excited about what God has become for me, why Jesus is necessary to be saved and what the Holy Spirit does for me.   I want to share what others say about their experiences. 

Becoming Informed About God

I think it is very important to become informed.  There are so many questions about God.  Yes he is certainly an interesting and endless topic.  His book, the Holy Bible has so many versions and do we know which one is right?  We hear so many things about Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit.  What is the truth.  How do we reach God?  How do we know if we are worthy of going to heaven?  What if I am terrible sinner, can I still know God?  Can I still go to heaven if I am a sinner?  There is so much to know and understand.  What about other people what do they believe about God?  Are miracles real?  There are so many questions.  I wanted to create a blog where we can just come and look at all things related to God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit, even in relation to heaven and hell.  I think it is important to be well informed so you can make a decision for yourself.  I will provide links to great resources so you can find answers you are looking for.  I may provide videos of people who have different opinions.  We must all think and look towards the right path, a relationship between us and the holy trinity and the world.  What is the relationship with Jesus?  Please join me in this experience of my life and the things I am finding in my research.  I am a Christian so this will be with a Christian worldview however we will explore other views.  We will discuss ways to work on ourselves and ways to develop our relationships with the holy Triune and others.  Please enjoy my blog and feel free to bring questions forward that we can explore.